Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Secret tunnels and Bieber hair is what this weeks email brings...

I asked last week if Drew would please send me some pictures.  It would be nice to actually see him so I know he is alive.  Of course I didn't receive any and his excuse was that the internet was being slow...UMMMMM!?! Not sure if I believe that one. He said there isn't a lot to take pictures of since they are just living in a huge box.  Well this worrier would like to see this said box.  Crossing my fingers this next week will be the week he actually sends a couple.

He sounds like he is doing well.  They are keeping him busy so not a lot of time to think about missing home he says.  I wish I could say the same about all of us here.  Bridger told me the other day that I needed to call him and let him know he needed to come home.  It is going to be his birthday next week and he wants Andrew to be at his party.  Then in his prayers the next night he prayed that Andrew would be home tomorrow or the next day.  This may be a very long two years for us here at home ;).

Drew is still with the same two companions that he was given when he arrived. He says they get along but I can tell they are have very different personalities.  Drew loves being active and going outside and he says his companions would rather stay inside.  He loves being with the latino companions at the MTC and loves playing soccer with them each day.    He says he doesn't understand all they say but they are very funny.

I asked him if there was anything he was missing and he said he would "kill" for some jalapeño potato chips and a brush.  I guess we forgot to pack one? Not sure how since we practically packed the whole house in his 3 suitcases.  He has been unable to spike his hair and says he is going with more of a Bieber look right now which is good but not his "signature style".  :)

He told us he was excited to go into Argentina on Saturday. He says they are dropped off and they get to tract and talk with the people.  I am sure he will have some great stories this week.

He then promises to send pictures but I am not holding my breath over this one.  :)

Drew's cute girlfriend has been sweet enough to share her emails with us each week.  Good thing since he writes way better letters to her.

Here is some of his letter he sent her from this past Thursday...

" The food is sketchy here in Argentina.  Half the time I have no clue what I'm, eating but that's all good. 
My days are crazy.   I think I  sit in class for 12 or 13 hours a day all in Spanish of course so I have no clue what's going on half the time, but  I guess that's the best way to learn Spanish. 

It's hard being so famous thanks to you. (He is referring to the awesome tie she gave him before he left.  Everyone wants it!)  I can say that my  cockiness is through the roof.  

We get bored  late at night,  and have found out the ceiling tiles lift up. There's a whole walkway thing up there.  It's pretty sketchy  but it's made for some pretty good pranks on the other missionaries.   We put alarm clocks in the ceiling that went off at 3 in the morning in a room.  They were pretty pissed and it was really funny.  (So glad he hasn't lost his sense of humor...and hoping he doesn't get stuck up there!) 

I really will be a real man by the time I get home.  I think I'm already growing a full beard since being here thanks to these freezing showers lol jk i wish.  

I just looked down at my thumbs and I don't think their weird but the kid next to me says they're weird too so I guess they are.  ( This is in reference to the cute plate they made me with his hand print on it.  His thumb turned out a bit funny :))  The tie will make it the 2 years no worries. (I guess everyone wants the tie she gave him) 

 I'm glad that my family is being nice looks like I'm  being replace... how rude of them. (Of course we will never replace him but we do really like her and are getting pretty attached) :)  

 I have my testimony and prayer down  in Spanish and can teach a couple of  lessons as well.  They make you learn fast here. No jokes from me I'll work on learning some. My Latino roommates just left.  They only have to be here for 2 weeks.  I think I get new roommates sometime today so I will work on getting one from them.  

We get to actually leave and go out into Argentina this Saturday.   They drop us off in the middle of the city and we get a certain area to knock on doors and teach the gospel and explore Argentina. I'm  sure I will have some good stories to tell about that next week. I'll go look up that scripture after I'm done emailing hopefully it inspires me too.  

My week pretty much is the same every day except for Thursday and Sunday  so I'll  just give you a run down of how my day goes.  Wake up at 630 take study, take  a cold shower,  get dressed and go eat cereal. I have had the same cereal every day since I got here.  It's  frosted flakes which for some reason they taste better down here. I  go take a quick  30 minute nap before my first class (wondering if this is ok?  LOL) I have class for 4 hours on Spanish and the gospel then I  go to  lunch.  Then I go to the computer lab and work with some program called TALL that helps us learn Spanish  then more classes until 3:30.  We then we go outside for an hour and mess around (play soccer) Then class again until dinner,  then after dinner more classes then off to bed.  We do this over and over and over again.  

Love and miss you

Sounds like he is a busy guy and I definitely have a few questions I need to ask him this week.  Something to do with naps and alarm clocks :) 

Since this cute missionary "seems" to be having technical difficulty with his camera, I will post a few pictures I haven't posted yet.  

 This is Drew and Laken...his cute girlfriend.  They have been in the same ward and have known each other for 9 years but didn't start dating until this Summer.  This is a picture of their last "awkward" hug before he was set apart.  Aren't all pictures awkward when your Dad is the one taking them?  So cute!  We just love her and not just because she lets us read her emails from Drew.  
 This is a picture taken at Drew's farewell in-between my 5,000 tears! Can you get dehydrated from crying too much? I think I almost did!  He had such a great turn out that day. Many who love him and came to support him.  He is one lucky kid.

I received this picture from a sweet friend and sister in my ward.  Her son served in the Asunción North mission a few years ago.  She was on Facebook a couple of weeks ago and someone had posted this picture.  She found Elder Heugly hiding in the back...with a smile on his face. :) Made my day!!

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